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Engeland York Reis 2: De stad van Willem de Veroveraar

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Samengevat door durumis AI

  • De sporen van Willem de Veroveraar, die in 1066 de Engelse troon in bezit nam, zijn overal in York te vinden, met name in de York Minster en Clifford Tower, twee prominente gebouwen die zijn geschiedenis weerspiegelen.
  • De York Minster werd na de vernietiging door de Viking-weerstand door Willem herbouwd en is nu versierd met de grootste glas-in-loodramen in Engeland, met sculpturen van alle Engelse koningen.
  • Clifford Tower is het centrale gebouw van York Castle, gebouwd door Willem. Vanaf de top van de toren heb je een panoramisch uitzicht over York. In februari wordt er een Vikingfestival gehouden, wat een interessante ervaring biedt.

**In 1066, the English king died without an heir.** The English nobles and Viking rulers then fought each other to become king. The winner of this throne fight was *William of Normandy,** who joined the fight late. While watching the English situation from France, he defeated the exhausted English and Norwegian nobles and became King of England. He is the ancestor of all English kings and queens that followed.

Vikingfestival York 2023. Elk jaar in februari wordt in York een festival gehouden ter ere van de komst van de Vikingen.

In York, the traces of this throne fight can be found everywhere. **In particular, Clifford Tower and York Minster, which are located in York, are famous for being built by William.** Due to William's conquest, as well as various historical events, it is recommended that you spend a day exploring the ruins and museums of this city. *The York City Council offers a 'Visit York Pass' that allows you to visit related ruins and museums without additional admission fees.**

York Minster

York Minster

**William became King of England in 1066, but it took a long time for him to control all of England.** York had been under Viking rule ever since it was conquered by the Vikings in 866. The Vikings resisted William, an English king of French origin, and York Minster was *destroyed** in the process of William subjugating them.

It is estimated that York Minster was first built around the 6th century AD. York Minster has since been destroyed and rebuilt several times in the course of many events. **The cathedral that still stands in York today is based on a new building that was built after William defeated the Danes (Vikings).** Over the past 1000 years, York Minster has been renovated and remodeled several times due to various fires, both large and small, until it has taken on its present form.

De York Minster gezien vanuit de Shambles-straat

York Minster is so large that it can be seen from anywhere in York today. **Its interior is decorated with some of the largest and most elaborate stained glass in England.** In particular, this cathedral houses statues of all the English monarchs, from William the Conqueror to the most recently deceased Queen Elizabeth II. *After 1000 years, we can still see William's face in York.**

Het glas-in-lood van York Minster

York Minster can be entered with the York Pass. However, there is an additional entrance fee to climb the tower. The museum in the basement has no additional entrance fee. **The museum contains exhibits that show the evolution of York Minster from Roman times, through the Viking and William eras.**

Het beeld van Willem de Veroveraar in York Minster

It is also nice to pass by York Minster late in the evening. **You can hear the huge pipe organ in York Minster playing on the hour.**

Clifford Tower

Clifford Tower

Immediately after becoming King of England, William built **a wooden York Castle** south of York. However, this wooden castle was completely burned down during the Viking uprising mentioned earlier. William then rebuilt this castle, and it gradually changed into its present form, built of stone.

Binnenkant van Clifford Tower

When you look at York Castle, which still stands south of York today, it may seem rather shabby. **But what remains is only the central structure called 'Clifford Tower' among the various structures of the castle.** The Bailey, which is part of the castle's facilities, and many other structures have disappeared during the modernization process.

To enter the tower, you have to climb a very steep staircase. Once you climb the stairs, you can enter the tower and see the 13th-century stone structures and various explanations. (Most of what is mentioned in this article is what I read from those information boards.) **Climbing to the top of the tower offers a panoramic view of York city.**

Bewoners van York voeren een show uit waarbij ze een toren aanvallen tijdens het Jorvik Vikingfestival.

It is also a ruin that can be entered with the York Pass. However, it is not possible to enter after 5 pm, so you should go there before it's too late. If you visit York in February, you might experience the Viking Festival. **People dressed as Vikings will perform an attack on this tower.**

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