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Gyeongju 1: De weg naar het Moon Palace 'Woljeonggyo'

  • Taal van de tekst: Koreaans
  • Referentieland: Alle landen country-flag

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Samengevat door durumis AI

  • Gyeongju is een stad met een rijke geschiedenis die teruggaat tot de Silla-dynastie, de hoofdstad van het koninkrijk. De stad heeft 1.000 jaar aan verschillende historische overblijfselen en musea, waardoor het bekend staat als een populaire bestemming voor schoolreisjes.
  • Recent is er een opleving van de toeristische sector door de restauratie van de verwoeste bouwwerken uit de Silla-dynastie, die zijn oorsprong vinden in de Mongoolse invasie en de Imjin-oorlog. De Woljeonggyo-brug is een opvallend voorbeeld hiervan. De brug, die het koninklijk paleis van Silla met de stad verbond, is gerestaureerd en biedt een prachtig uitzicht op de nachtelijke verlichting.
  • De Woljeonggyo-brug werd in 2018 gerestaureerd en is uitgerust met een naambord met kalligrafie van de Silla-ambtenaar Choi Chi-won en verlichting, waardoor het een van de meest populaire fotolocaties in Gyeongju is geworden.

Gyeongju in Korea was a famous tourist destination from the 1970s. **Because the economic development was at a basic level, Gyeongju, with its many historical sites, was a charming city.** However, as time passed, tourists from both inside and outside Korea found other options.

**In the 21st century, Gyeongju is perceived as a city where students go on graduation trips.** This is because the city was the capital of the Silla Kingdom for 1000 years, so there were many historical sites and museums to visit.

Recently, Gyeongju is once again gaining popularity among travelers. **The architectural structures of the Silla Kingdom, destroyed during the Mongol invasion (1231-1259) and the Imjin War (1592-1598), are being partially restored, making it an exotic tourist destination.**


Woljeonggyo is a representative architectural structure of the Silla Kingdom that was recently restored. **The Silla royal palace, 'Wolseong' (Castle Moon), was built on an island of sorts.** To the south of the palace, there was a river flowing, and to the north, an artificial moat was dug to create a flow of water. This was a strategy to defend the palace, but as Silla unified neighboring countries and a city grew around the palace, the importance of defense weakened.

**Woljeonggyo was built in 760 AD as a bridge connecting the city and the royal palace.** The bridge remained for a long time even after Silla was destroyed and Wolseong was abandoned. However, at some point after the 13th century, the bridge was destroyed by fire. Gyeongju has experienced many wars throughout modern history.

When modern cultural relic research began, only the stone foundations of the bridge remained. **Burnt wood and tiles were found at the bottom of the river, and based on this, the bridge was rebuilt in 2018.** The inscription hanging at the entrance to the bridge was written using the handwriting of Choi Chi-won, a Silla official.

Nachtelijke verlichting van de Woljeonggyo-brug

**Woljeonggyo is famous for its beautiful night view in modern times.** The lights installed on the bridge reflect down into the water below, creating a fantastic sight. This place has become a popular photo spot in Gyeongju in recent years.

Unfortunately, the palace where the Silla kings and queens lived cannot be seen. **The palace was destroyed at some point after the fall of Silla, and the ruins of the palace are still being investigated.** Many scholars lament that the dancheong (painted decorations on East Asian wooden structures) painted on Woljeonggyo also reflects a style from after the 14th century. The green dancheong is believed to have spread to Korea during the reign of the Mongol Empire.

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